Далее: Conversation and Discussion Вверх: Unit III: YAROSLAVL Назад: Grammar Exercises

Lexical Exercises

  1. Paraphrase the sentences using your active vocabulary.

    1. Yaroslavl was built by Prince Yaroslav the Wise in 1010.
    2. A bear with a pole is the symbol of Yaroslavl.
    3. Now Yaroslavl is a pearl in the Golden Ring of Russia.
    4. Among the places of interest of the city one can mention the Yaroslavl Art Gallery, which is situated on the Volga embankment.
    5. Yaroslavl has economic relations with many foreign cities.
    6. A number of citizens of Yaroslavl is over 700 000 people.

  2. Complete the sentences with the correct words.
    1. Yaroslavl was ... by Prince Yaroslav the Wise in 1010.
    2. There is a ... on the coat of arms of Yaroslavl.
    3. Here was found the manuscript of ... .
    4. The 17th century was the ... of Yaroslavl art.
    5. In 1955 Yaroslavl joined the World Federation of ... .

  3. Read the situations and complete the sentences.
    1. A friend of yours is going to visit Yaroslavl. You want to know where he is going to stay. You ask: Where are you going to stay when ... you are in Yaroslavl ... ?
    2. A friend of yours is visiting you. She has to go soon but may be there is time for a cup of tea. You ask: Would you like a cup of tea before ... ?
    3. You are looking for a good clothes shop or something like that, you are not satisfied. You want to know where to find them. You ask: Where would recommend ... .

  4. Organize the words in the box into three groups: things that you usually find in towns, things you usually find in the country and things you often find in both town and in the country.
    1. Town
    2. Country
    3. Town and country

  5. Translate into English.
    1. Ярославль был основан князем Ярославом Мудрым в 1010 году.
    2. Согласно легенде, князь Ярослав Мудрый убил священного медведя секирой.
    3. В Ярославле была найдена рукопись «Слова о полку Игореве», шедевр древнерусской литературы.
    4. В 13 веке в Ярославле был возведен Спасо-Преображенский монастырь для защиты города с запада.
    5. 17 век – «золотой век» в истории Ярославля.
    6. В 17 веке было построено множество церквей, среди них церковь Богоявления, церковь Ильи Пророка, Метрополичие палаты.
    7. Ярославль – жемчужина Золотого кольца России.
    8. Театр им. Волкова, основанный в 1750 году, был первым театром в России.
    9. Сейчас Ярославль – крупный индустриальный центр.
    10. В 1955 году Ярославль вступил в Международную федерацию городов-партнеров.

Далее: Conversation and Discussion Вверх: Unit III: YAROSLAVL Назад: Grammar Exercises

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