Далее: Приложения Вверх: Кандидатский экзамен по английскому Назад: Требования, предъявляемые к аспирантам

Рекомендуемая структура экзамена

Кандидатский экзамен по английскому языку проводится в два этапа.

На первом этапе аспирант (соискатель) выполняет письменный перевод научного текста по специальности на русский язык (реферат). Объем текста для реферата 60 000 печ. знаков (25–30 стр.). Общий объем книги по специальности 600 000 печ. знаков (300 стр.)

Успешное выполнение письменного перевода является условием допуска ко второму этапу экзамена. Качество перевода оценивается по зачетной системе.

Второй этап экзамена включает в себя три задания.

Задание №1

Изучающее чтение оригинального текста по специальности со словарем и передача основного содержания текста на английском языке в форме резюме (в письменной форме). Объем текста 2000–3000 печ. знаков. Время выполнения 45–60 минут.

Текст № 1 (специальность – теория языка)

Linguistics and Language

Nonlinguistic Factors

he distinction between a language and a dialect is not purely a linguistic one. Two systems of communication may be similar enough to be mutually intelligible, and yet they may be labelled as separate languages. For example, we generally recognize Dutch and German to be distinct languages, although speakers of German in the north of the country communicate readily with their neighbours who speak Dutch. The two systems are accepted as separate languages, rather than simply as dialects of a single language, primarily for political or nationalistic reasons. That is, there is a national boundary separating two distinct countries, and it is assumed that a major linguistic boundary exists along the same line. Even though there is no such boundary, the nonlinguistic factor of national identity is so strong that it overcomes linguistic reality, and the popular belief that different countries should use different languages remains in effect.

National boundaries also play a role in the classification of language in China. Reference is made frequently to the Chinese language, yet the dialects of Chinese differ from one another far more than do Dutch and German. In many instances, different dialects of Chinese are mutually unintelligible. Linguistically, one would be justified in speaking of different languages, but the political situation and the fact that all of China shares the same logographic writing system lead to the view that the Chinese language contains a number of unusually distinct dialects. One interesting illustration of how nonlinguistic factors may play a part in the classification of dialects can be found in the recent history of the study of black Americans. When interest in dialects arose in this country during the second quarter of the century, social dialects were overlooked and efforts were concentrated on the investigation of regional variations. When some attention was paid to black speech, the investigators generally insisted that there was little or no difference between the speech of blacks and whites of the same region and social class. This, of course, reflected society's growing awareness of the question of civil rights and the need for equality among the races. During the 1960s, as blacks asserted their own cultural and linguistic heritage, linguistic investigators began to talk about a special dialect of English, namely Black English. One may choose to emphasize the similarities and thus say that there is a single dialect, or one may choose to emphasize the differences and distinguish a black dialect. The conclusion depends not so much on the language itself as-on personal, psychological, and sociological factors. Scientist are no more immune from such factors in their research and conclusions than are other people, although the scientist does attempt to filter out his personal views when presenting his results. As indicated by the study of social dialects in American English, however, the identification of dialects has been influenced by the view of society.

Резюме текста №1

The text under consideration is taken from chapter 18 of the book “Linguistics and Language ”. The chapter is entitled “Language Change: Dialects and Related Languages”. The passage is a section of this chapter which has its own headline “Nonlinguistic Factors”.

At the very beginning of the section the author accentuates the fact that the distinction between a language and a dialect is not purely a linguistic one. Sometimes nonlinguistic factors may cause differences between linguistically similar languages which leads to labelling them as separate languages. Below the author illustrates this statement by examples.

The first example concerns Dutch and German that are accepted as separate languages for political and nationalistic reasons. There is a national boundary separating two distinct countries and, as the author underlines, there is a linguistic boundary between them along the same line. Although speakers of German in the north of the country communicate with their neighbours in Holland who speak Dutch, the belief of Germans and the Dutch that their countries have distinct separate languages is very strong.

Then the author refers to the dialects of Chinese which differ from one another far more than do Dutch and German and may be considered separate languages. But the author calls them dialects of the Chinese language, not different languages because all China shares the same logographic writing system and because it is politically strongly united.

The author demonstrates his profound knowledge of the subject by giving an example of the role of nonlinguistic factors in the classification of dialects in American English. He explains how black speech in North America began to be called a special dialect of English, namely Black English. The fact is that the investigations in dialects in America in the 2nd quarter of the 20th century were concentrated on regional variations. Social dialects were overlooked which reflected society’s awareness of the question of civil rights, and the need for equality among the races. The author argues that in the 60ies linguistic investigators called black speech Black English to identify the cultural and linguistic heritage of the black people in America. He infers that the conclusion to single out a black dialect depends not so much on the language itself as on personal, psychological, and sociological factors influenced by the view of society.

Thus the author demonstrates convincingly that nonlinguistic factors such as political, social, psychological may play an important role in the distinction between a language and a dialect.

Текст № 2 (Специальность – математика)

Algebraic Geometry

My own bias is somewhat on the side of classical geometry. I believe that the most important problems in algebraic geometry are those arising from old-fashioned varieties in affine or projective spaces. They provide the geometric intuition which motivates all further developments. In this book, I begin with a chapter on varieties, to establish many examples and basic ideas in their simplest form, uncluttered with technical details. Only after that do I develop systematically the language of schemes, coherent sheaves, and cohomology, in Chapters II and III. These chapters form the technical heart of the book. In them I attempt to set forth the most important results, but without striving for the utmost generality. Thus, for example, the cohomology theory is developed only for quasi-coherent sheaves on noetherian schemes, since this is simpler and sufficient for most applications; the theorem of "coherence of direct image sheaves" is proved only for projective morphisms, and not for arbitrary proper morphisms. For the same reasons I do not include the more abstract notions of representable functors, algebraic spaces, etale cohomology, sites, and topoi.

The fourth and fifth chapters treat classical material, namely nonsingu­lar projective curves and surfaces, but they use techniques of schemes and cohomology. I hope these applications will justify the effort needed to absorb all the technical apparatus in the two previous chapters.

As the basic language and logical foundation of algebraic geometry, I have chosen to use commutative algebra. It has the advantage of being precise. Also, by working over a base field of arbitrary characteristic, which is necessary in any case for applications to number theory, one gains new insight into the classical case of base field C. Some years ago, when Zariski began to prepare a volume on algebraic geometry, he had to develop the necessary algebra as he went. The task grew to such pro­portions that he produced a book on commutative algebra only. Now we are fortunate in having a number of excellent books on commutative algebra: Atiyah-Macdonald [I], Bourbaki [1], Matsumura [2], Nagata [7], and Zariski-Samuel [1]. My policy is to quote purely algebraic results as needed, with references to the literature for proof. A list of the results used appears at the end of the book.

Originally I had planned a whole series of appendices – short expos­itory accounts of some current research topics, to form a bridge between the main text of this book and the research literature. Because of limited time and space only three survive. I can only express my regret at not including the others, and refer the reader instead to the Arcata volume (Hartshorne, ed. [1]) for a series of articles by experts in their fields, intended for the nonspecialist. Also, for the historical development of algebraic geometry let me refer to Dieudonne [1]. Since there was not space to explore the relation of algebraic geometry to neighboring fields as much as I would have liked, let me refertothe survey article of Cassels [1] for connections with number theory, and to Shafarevich [2, Part III] for connections with complex manifolds and topology.

Because I believe strongly in active learning, there are a great many exercises in this book. Some contain important results not treated in the main text. Others contain specific examples to illustrate general phenomena. I believe that the study of particular examples is inseparable from the development of general theories. The serious student should attempt as many as possible of these exercises, but should not expect to solve them immediately. Many will require a real creative effort to under­ stand. An asterisk denotes a more difficult exercise. Two asterisks denote an unsolved problem.

Резюме текста № 2

The text in hand is from the book “Algebraic Geometry”. It is a passage from the Introduction to the book in which the author describes the structure of the book and explains why he begins with a chapter on varieties in algebraic geometry. The fact (matter) is that he is on the side of classical geometry which admits of old-fashioned varieties in affine or projective spaces. He thinks it necessary to start with examples and basic ideas of varieties and only then to describe systematically the language of schemes, coherent sheaves and cohomology. The author does it in chapters II and III which he considers to be the technical heart of the book. He says he tries to present the most important results without striving for the utmost generality. For example the theorem of “coherence of direct image sheaves” is only for projective morphisms but not for arbitrary proper morphisms. He points out that for the same reason he does include the more abstract notions of representable function, algebraic spaces, elate cohomology, sites and topoi.

Then the author mentions what material Chapters IV and V deal with. The author has chosen to use communicative algebra as the basic language and logical foundation of algebraic geometry and accounts for it saying that it is very precise. The author refers to Zariski who had to restrict himself to communicative algebra when he prepared a volume on algebraic geometry.

Then he enumerates several authors of books on communicative algebra whom he quotes in his book.

In the next paragraphs the author informs the reader of appendices at the end of the book. He expresses regret that limited time and space did not let him include more supplements and refers the reader to other books where the latter can find the material on the historical development of algebraic geometry, and the relation of algebraic geometry to neighbouring fields and some other.

In conclusion the author stresses the fact that the study of examples is inseparable from the investigation of general theories; that’s why the book contains many exercises. He encourages the reader to do as many as possible of these exercises but also warns that some exercises (problems) are difficult, some are unsolved and many students will require a real creative effort to understand and tackle them.

Задание № 2

Беглое чтение оригинального текста по специальности. Объем текста 1000–1500 печ. знаков. Время выполнения 1–2 минуты. Форма проверки – передача извлеченной информации на английском языке (гуманитарные науки) и на русском языке (естестественнонаучные специальности).

Текст № 1 (специальность – история)

Unification and Independence 1855–1896

The expedition itself had been sent after a fairly long parliamentary debate in Britain. Its objectives were the liberation of the European captives and the punishment of Tewodros. The force led by Sir Robert Napier was 32,000 strong. In historical writings, theexploits of the expedition have been given a prominence incommensurate with their historical importance. In actual fact, the fate of Tewodros had been sealed before the British started their journey to the interior. The war had been won by the British before a shot was fired. Not only was Tewodros deserted by his followers, but some of his enemies had decided to do everything possible to expedite the march of the British troops. The British thus obtained most valuable support from Kasa Mercha of Tegre (the future Emperor Yohannes IV), who ensured that the expeditionary force would be supplied with the provisions and the means of transport essential for its march; indeed, the expedition proved to be the first army in Ethiopian history which was prepared to pay for its food. Kasa's collaboration with the British arose partly from the fact that he shared the almost universal disaffection from Tewodros; partly from a desire to strengthen his regional position, and thereby to present a stronger bid for the throne; partly also from his trust that the British would honour their promise to leave the country once their limited objectives had been achieved.

Резюме текста № 1

The text in hand describes the expedition which had been sent to Ethopia to liberate the European captives and to punish Tewodros. The force was led by Sir Robert Napier. The expedition was later described in many historical writings as a very important one though its importance was overestimated. Actually the war had been won by the British without a shot because Tewodros was deserted by his followers and some of his enemies helped the British troops. Then the author points out that the most valuable support came from Kasa Mercha of Tegre, the future Emperor Yohannes IV, who supplied the expedition with the provisions and transport essential for its march. The author explains that Kasa collaborated with the British for two reasons. Firstly, because Tewodros was his enemy, secondly, because Kasa wanted to strengthen his regional position before he pretended to the throne. He also believed that the British would keep their promise to leave the country after their objectives had been achieved.

Текст № 2 (специальность – математика)

Algebraic Geometry


Our purpose in this chapter is to give an introduction to algebraic geometry with as little machinery as possible. We work over a fixed algebraically closed field k. We define the main objects of study, which are algebraic varieties in affine or projective space. We introduce some of the most important concepts, such as dimension, regular functions, rational maps, nonsingular varieties, and the degree of a projective variety. And most im­portant, we give lots of specific examples, in the form of exercises at the end of each section. The examples have been selected to illustrate many inter­esting and important phenomena, beyond those mentioned in the text. The person who studies these examples carefully will not only have a good under­standing of the basic concepts of algebraic geometry, but he will also have the background to appreciate some of the more abstract developments of modern algebraic geometry, and he will have a resource against which to check his intuition. We will continually refer back to this library of examples in the rest of the book.

The last section of this chapter is a kind of second introduction to the book. It contains a discussion of the "classification problem", which has motivated much of the development of algebraic geometry. It also contains a discussion of the degree of generality in which one should develop the foundations of algebraic geometry, and as such provides motivation for the theory of schemes.

Резюме текста № 2


Цель авторов учебника в этой главе – дать введение в алгебраическую геометрию с минимумом техники, насколько это возможно. Они работают над фиксированным алгебраически замкнутым полем к. и определяют основные объекты изучения: алгебраические многообразия на аффинном и проективном пространствах. Они также вводят некоторые важные понятия, такие, как размерность, регулярные функции, рациональные отображения, неособые многообразия и степень проективного многообразия. Самое важное заключается в том, что даются специальные примеры в форме упражнений в конце каждого параграфа. Примеры были выбраны так, чтобы проиллюстрировать много интересных и важных явлений, не упомянутых в тексте. Те, кто тщательно изучит эти примеры, не только получат хорошее понимание основных понятий алгебраической геометрии, но и смогут воспринять более абстрактные понятия современной алгебраической геометрии и будут иметь источник для проверки своей интуиции.

Последний параграф этой главы является своего рода вторым введением в книгу. Он содержит обсуждение проблемы классификации, которая дала обоснование развитию алгебраической геометрии. Он также содержит рассуждения о степени общности, в которой необходимо развивать основания алгебраической геометрии, тем самым обеспечивает переход к теории схем.

Задание №3

Беседа с экзаменаторами на английском языке по вопросам, связанным со специальностью и научной работой аспиранта (соискателя).

Результаты экзамена оцениваются по пятибалльной системе. Беседа по проблемам научного исследования аспиранта (соискателя).

1. What is your first name? 1. My first name is Nina.
2. What is your surname? 2. My surname is Rusova.
3. What University did you graduate from? 3. I graduated from the Yaroslavl State Teacher’s Training University named after K.D. Ushinsky.
4. When did you graduate from the University? 4. I graduated from the University two years ago.
5. Are you working now? 5. Yes, I am working as a teacher of Biology now.
6. Are you a full-time or a part-time postgraduate student? 6. I am a correspondence post-graduate student.
7. Who is your scientific supervisor (advisor)? 7. My supervisor is Professor Petrov, Doctor of Biological Science.
8. What is your research topic? 8. My research topic is … It is as follows…
9. What is the goal of your research? 9. The goal of my research is…
10. What is the hypothesis of your research? 10. The hypothesis of my research is…
11. What problems is your research devoted to? 11. My research is devoted to the following problems…
12. What problems are your working at now? 12. Now I am working at the theoretical problems such as…
13. How many publications have you got? 13. I have got 3 publications.
14.Have you got any articles published on the problems of your research? 14. Yes, I have got 2 articles published on the problems of my research.
15.Have you taken part in any conferences? 15. Yes, I have taken part in some conferences.
16.What conferences did you take part in? 16. I took part in two conferences at our University last year.

Далее: Приложения Вверх: Кандидатский экзамен по английскому Назад: Требования, предъявляемые к аспирантам

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