Далее: Part B Listening Вверх: Учебное пособие Назад: Extensive listening


Part A Before listening


What kind of language school would you like to attend if you went to the UK in the summer to learn English? Complete the questionnaire by ticking.

I would like a school:

1 a) with extra-curricular activities, e.g. visits to museums, other towns, etc. _____

b) without extra-curricular activities _____

2 a) with intensive courses _____

b) with semi-intensive course _____

c) with longer courses _____

3 with courses in a) listening, reading, writing, speaking ____

b) listening and speaking only ____

c) general English ____

d) special English (e.g. English for business, English for science) ____

4 with a) extra learning facilities such as language laboratory, films etc. _____

b) just classroom learning _____

c) talks on British history, culture, etc. _____

5 that a) only has residential courses _____

b) finds students rooms with British families _____

c) gives no help with accommodation _____

6 a) in a small town _____

b) in a big city _____

c) out in the country _____

d) by the sea _____

7 that a) has an entrance test _____

b) doesn't have an entrance test _____

Compare and discuss your answer with a partner.

Далее: Part B Listening Вверх: Учебное пособие Назад: Extensive listening

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