Task I
Read the text about Rostov and get ready to answer questions:
This small town of Yaroslavl Region possesses vast treasures of Old Russian
Art. The exact date of its foundation hasn't been defined: the chronicles
first refer to it in 862. It was then a populous, proud city in the
north-east of Russia. In 883 even far-away Byzantium had to pay military
tribute to Rostov! In the 11 century Rostov became the capital of the
Rostov-Suzdal Principality, and in 1207 of the Rostov Principality. Rostov
preserved its high standing as an important cultural and religious centre
even when it had to join the State of Moscow in the 15
century, thus
forfeiting its political independence.
However, the numerous extant monuments of Rostov date mostly from the
16 and 17
centuries, which marked a new upsurge: at that time
Rostov was the seat of the Russian Metropolitans who possessed vast riches.
The city was centered on the Metropolitan's grounds - the Kremlin - which
together with the Uspensky (Assumption) Cathedral , the bell tower, several
churches, storehouses, residence of the princes and other buildings made up
a single architectural complex, striking in scope, originality and beauty.
The Rostov Kremlin took about thirty years to build (1660 - 1690). The
churches of the Kremlin were decorated by painters from Yaroslavl and
Kostroma. Their remarkable murals have survived in the Church of Apostle
John and the Voznesenye (Resurrection) Church. Of Great interest is the
interior of the Church of Spas-na-senyakh - once the private chapel of the
Metropolitans of Rostov.
Today the Kremlin grounds are a sanctuary, a museum of architecture and fine
arts. A feature of the displays are icons of the 15 - 18
centuries and remarkable enamels by Rostov's craftsmen. On the road from
Moscow to Rostov, four kilometers you reach Rostov, there stands the Church
of Apostle John on the Ishna River (1687 - 1689) - the only extant
specimen of the 17
century wooden churches in Yaroslavl Region.
1. Is Rostov a big city or rather a small town?
2. What does it possess?
3. Do we know for certain in which year it was founded?
4. What century does it date back to?
5. What kind of town was it at that time?
6. When did Rostov become the capital of the Rostov-Suzdal Principality?
7. When did it lose independence?
8. What state did it join?
9. What kind of centre did it still remain?
10. How long did the Rostov Kremlin take to build?
11. What century does it date back to?
12. What kind of buildings does the architectural ensemble contain?
13. What is the Grandest cathedral of Rostov the Great?
14. Where was the residence of the princes situated?
15. By whom were the beautiful churches of the Kremlin decorated?
16. What is situated in the Kremlin now?
17. What have the craftsmen of Rostov been always famous for?
Task II
Retell the text about Rostov the Great using the guide-words:
vast treasures
was founded in ...century
first mentioned in ...
an important proud city
to pay military tribute
the capital of
an important cultural and religious centre
lost its political independence
most of the architectural monuments
an architectural ensemble
the Assumption Cathedral
the bell tower
the residence of the princes
took ...to build
decorated by
the private chapel
a sanctuary and a museum