Task I
Read the text; make a plan to it in the form of questions:
The ancient Russian town of Kostroma is situated on the Volga's bank, 350 kilometers from Moscow.
Kostroma was burned down many times that is why earlier buildings have not been preserved.
In the 17 century well-known architectural monuments were created.
Among them are the Trinity Cathedral of the Ipatievsky Monastery, the
Resurrection church on-the-Debre, the St John the Divine church in the
Ipatiev settlement, the Birth of Christ church on-the-Gorodishche.
In 1778, by order of Catherine II, Kostroma became an administrative centre of a large region, and in 1797 - the centre of Kostromskaya province. In this connection the construction of administrative buildings began. The building was conducted according to a general plan approved in 1784. The main axles of the plan were perpendicular to the Volga's embankment and cut the central square.
The fire-tower, the former buildings of the Governors offices and the
Guard-house, the inn, the shopping arcades form a circle around the square.
It took nearly half a century to create this ensemble. Among the architects
who worked on the project are such well-known ones as S. Vorotilov, P.
Fursov, V. Stasov. The harmonious design and unity of form of the ensemble
was not broken by the late 19 century buildings, the Tretiakov house,
the former Romanov museum and others.
The historical and architectural museum complex of the Ipatievsky Monastery
is the town's major attraction. It was founded in the 14 century but
the monastery's elaborate complex of buildings includes structures dating
from the end of the 16
to the last quarter of the 19
In the centre of the ensemble is the Trinity Cathedral built in 1652. The
frescos in the cathedral were painted in 1685 by outstanding painters Guri
Nikitin and Syla Savin and their team. These frescos are the best examples
of their work. The belfry built in the early 17 century stands on the
main square. It had about twenty small and large bells and also an ancient
clock with chimes. Near the western wall of the monastery the apartments of
the Romanov boyars built in the 16
- 17
centuries are
situated. The stone fortification with towers and gates (16
centuries), the auxiliary buildings (16
- 18
centuries), the dwelling houses (16
- 18
centuries), and also
rich historical and art expositions of the complex are of interest.
Kostroma rightfully belongs to the towns of the Gold Ring. Thousands of people come to Kostroma to enjoy its remarkable historical and architectural monuments.
Task II
Read and translate the following text:
Russian artistic and cultural traditions have been cultivated in the Kostroma region for centuries. Many of the region's unique and highly artistic architectural monuments have been preserved, as well as, examples of skilled metal forging and wood carving.
A.N. Ostrovsky, N.A. Nekrasov, B.M. Kustodiev and other prominent men in the world of arts and letters were frequent visitors in Kostroma. And A.F. Pysemsky, the famous Russian author, lived here for many years.
Kostroma was founded in the middle of the 12 century. At that time
Russia was struggling with the Volga-Kamsk Bulgaria for trade routes along
the Volga. Many settlements along the Volga were strengthened and forts were
built in Kostroma and other towns.
According to a legend, Prince Yuri Dolgoruki came here with his warriors to protect merchants and other traders from robbers and founded the town.
In the middle of the 13 century Kostroma became the seat of the
independent principality, but in the first part of the 14
century it
joined the Moscow Principality.
In the 15 - 16
centuries Kostroma became a major crafts and
trade centre. By the end of the 16
and the first half of the
century it had grown into one of Russia's major towns.
Wood was the main building material in Kostroma, at the time, because the town was situated among forests. But the town was constantly plagued by large-scale fires. And after the fire of 1413, the town's Kremlin (fort) was built anew on the Volga's higher bank. A detailed description of it has come down to our time. The fort and 14 towers and 3 gates. Its oak walls were surrounded by moats.
Of course, it is hard to reconstruct in full the picture of old Kostroma.
But according to the 17 century manuscripts and a few remaining
drawings it was a wooden town with many beautiful churches, closely standing
houses, uneven streets and wooden bridges across ditches and streams.
By the middle of the 17 century Kostroma became a major trade and
cultural centre of the Moscow State. The town's builders, icon painters,
silversmiths, weavers, blacksmiths and leather craftsmen were known
throughout the land. Its leather goods were exported abroad and its linen,
scales and locks were known far and wide. Kostroma stone-masons were invited
to build palaces and cathedrals in the capital and other towns. Especially
well-known were the town's painters, who were invited to paint the walls in
the cathedrals of Moscow, Yaroslavl, Pereslavl-Zalessky and Suzdal.
Among the well-known 17 century architectural monuments in the town
are the Trinity Cathedral of the Ipatiev monastery, the Resurrection church
on-the-Debre, the St. John the Divine church in the Ipatiev district, the
Ilyinsk and the Spas-Transfiguration churches and the Ascension church on
Melnychni Street.
Task III
Fill in the suitable words:
1. Kostroma was ...in the middle of the ...century.
2. At that time Russia was ...for trade ...up and down the ... river.
3. The founder of the town was Prince .......
4. He came there to ...the merchants and ...travelling with their goods ...and ...the Volga.
5. In the 13 ...Kostroma was the seat of an .......
6. In the 14 century it joined the .......
7. Kostroma was ...and plundered during the Tatar invasion.
8. By the end of the ...century it had grown into one of Russia's ... ....
9. Kostroma has always been situated .......
10. The ...building material was at first ....
11. A new citadel was ...anew in the ...century.
12. The fort had 14 ...and 3 ....
13. In the 17 - 19
centuries Kostroma was a major ...and
14. Its craftsmen and icon ...were ...all about Russia.
15. Its stone-...and ...were especially famous.
16. At the end of the 18 century - beginning of the 19
century an ...ensemble was created in the ...of the town.
17. Many of its unique and ...architectural ...have been preserved.
Task IV
Retell the text using the key-words:
an independent principality
became a part of
burned and plundered
a crafts and trade centre
a major town
built of wood
the citadel (fort)
builders and icon painters
were invited
architectural monuments
the central ensemble
prominent Russian authors