Далее: SECTION I. GRAMMAR Вверх: Учебно-методическое пособие Назад: Предисловие

Требования к государственному экзамену по английскому языку

Согласно требованиям Государственного образовательного стандарта государственный экзамен по иностранному языку является обязательным аттестационным испытанием выпускников специальности ``Филология'' и должны проходить в соответствии с программой вступительных экзаменов в аспирантуру.

Чтение и письменный перевод со словарем на родной язык оригинального текста по специальности. Объем текста 1800 печатных знаков.

Изложение на иностранном языке содержания общественно-политического текста, прочитанного со словарем. Объем текста 900-1000 печатных знаков.

Беседа на иностранном языке по научной проблематике (без предварительной подготовки).

Общее время на подготовку ответа - 1 астрономический час.

Структура государственного экзамена

Вопрос № 1.

Прочитайте и письменно переведите со словарем на русский язык отрывок оригинального текста по специальности (объем 1800 печатных знаков).

Образец экзаменационного текста


In discussing English Grammar we assume it to be mainly the grammar of prose. In great poetry and in good verse, however, it is remarkable how, in spite of scansion, rhyme, and the order of words and phrases, little or no grammatical fault can be found, and refuge is taken in ``poetic licence'' infrequently. Poetry is not meant to be strictly analysed - pulling a poem to bits was an invention of the pedagogues - but, if it is, it is usually found to consist of a series of grammatically-constructed sentences. Analysis of much modern experimental poetry and verse would be less rewarding.

Somebody is now sure to ask why, if grammar is considered to be so important, many celebrated writers of published works do not bother about it, and celebrated writers of published works should be the leaders. The answer is that the number of distinguished prose-writers who turn out ungrammatical work is very small in relation to the number of the orthodox.

The ungrammatical army can be divided into those who write carelessly and those who deliberately flout the regulations. Those who write carelessly would probably realise and admit their lapses, but publishers' readers are usually too busy to point out mistakes. There is also evidence, I regret to say, of some shameful ignorance among writers, but I prefer not to dwell on it.

Then we come to the rebels, those who cock a snoot at the discipline of grammar, who, among the writers of prose, are confined to novelists. By rebel novelists I mean those few who try to follow patterns set by James Joyce and Gertrude Stein, as well as others, somewhat more orthodox, of the school of Ernest Hemingway.

(The Right Way to Improve Your English by J.E.Metcalfe, Surrey, 1989, с.13)

Книги по специальности предоставляются экзаменаторам за три дня до экзамена. При выборе книги студент должен руководствоваться следующими требованиями:

- книга должна быть написана автором, для которого английский язык является родным,

- книга должна максимально соответствовать теме научного исследования студента.

Вопрос № 2.

Изложите на английском языке содержание общественно-политического текста (объем 900-1000 печатных знаков), прочитанного со словарем.

Образец газетной статьи



Children spend so much time learning about the Nazis at school that they are ignorant of British history, Charles Clarke, The Education Secretary, believes. As a result, he has ordered a review of the British curriculum.

In recent years pupils have tended to repeat the same periods of history - particularly the Second World War or Soviet Russia - at each stage of their education, to such an extent that it has been called the ``Hitlerisation of history''.

Mr Clarke considers the trend ``a serious criticism that we have to address''. He wants children to have a sense of the broader sweep of history and the context of particular events.

It is the first time that the Government has acknowledged concerns that the history curriculum is leaving children with little or no sense of the history of their own country. The Prince of Wales and prominent historians such as Dr David Starkey are among those who have criticized the way that history is taught.

``The Daily Telegraph'', June, 2003.

Вопрос № 3.

Беседа на английском языке по научной проблематике.

Примерные вопросы экзаменаторов.

What postgraduate course would you like to take?

Why would you like to take this postgraduate course?

What are your scientific interests?

What problems are you discussing in your research?

Why have you got interested in these problems?

How long have you been working on your research?

Have you got any publications?

Have you used any works by foreign authors in your investigation?

Who is your scientific supervisor?

What is the goal of your research?

What do you expect to prove by your research?

What theories/methodologies underlie your work?

What scientific methods are used in your research?

What is the practical value of your research?

Who and where can use the results of your research?

Далее: SECTION I. GRAMMAR Вверх: Учебно-методическое пособие Назад: Предисловие

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