Далее: INIT SIX    National Holidays Вверх: Учебно-методическое пособие Назад: UNIT FOUR    Meals



Topic: Shopping


1. a store (Am.E.), a shop


2. shopping area торговый центр
3. department отдел
4. department store универсальный магазин
5. booth ларёк
6. stall (kiosk) киоск
7. shop-window (window


8. to do shopping делать покупки
9. to go shopping идти по магазинам
10. cheap дешевый
11. expensive (dear) дорогой
12. customer (shopper) покупатель
13. consumer потребитель
14. consumer goods потребительские товары
15. Ready-to-wear department,

Ready-made clothes,


Отдел готовой одежды
16. garment предмет одежды
17. fashion, vogue мода
18. Haberdasher's галантерейный магазин
19. Milliner's магазин дамских головных


20. Gown длинное платье
21. dressing-gown халат
22. Mantles плащи, пальто
23. chain-store один из филиалов,

принадлежащих одной

торгующей организации

24. counter прилавок
25. goods товар, товары
26. foodstuffs продукты
27. household goods хозяйственные товары
28. stationery магазин канцелярских товаров
29. chemist's (drugstore,


30. medicines (drugs) лекарства
31. cosmetics (perfumery) парфюмерия
32. toilet supplies туалетные принадлежности
33. dairy products молочные продукты
34. groceries бакалейные товары
35. grocer's магазин "Бакалея"
36. soap мыло
37. household articles (goods) хозяйственные товары
38. supermarket супермаркет
39. self-service system система самообслуживания
40. a cash-desk касса
41. cashier кассир
42. a shoe shop Обувной магазин
43. a saleswoman (salesman,

salesgirl, shop-assistant)

44. sandals босоножки
45. wear (wore, worn) носить (одежду, обувь)
46. size размер
47. try on smth. примерить что-либо
48. suede замша
49. price, at a price цена, по цене
50. discount, at a discount скидка, со скидкой
51. sale распродажа
52. mark-down уценка
53. canned beer баночное пиво
54. baker's/bakery булочная
55. butcher's мясной магазин
56. Confectioner's


57. greengrocer's овощной магазин
58. tobacconist's табачный
59. bookshop книжный магазин
60. Dress shop (Women's


Магазин женской одежды
61. Men's outfitters Магазин мужской одежды
62. queue (Br.K), line (Am.E.) очередь
63. buy (bought) покупать
64. sell (sold) продавать
65. cost (cost) стоить
66. slacks брюки
67. leather кожа, кожаный
68. fitting room примерочная
69. run out of smth. истощить свой запас
70. to have hardly any почти не осталось
71. turn, in turn очередь, по очереди
72. fishmonger's рыбный магазин
73. provision shop продуктовый магазин
74. fruit shop фруктовый магазин
75. to change разменять
76. (small) change мелочь
77. change сдача
78. How much is h? What does

it cost?

What's the price of...?

What price is this...?

Сколько стоит?
79. open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. открыто с 9 до 18 часов
80. closing (opening) time время закрытия (открытия)


81 to wrap заворачивать
82. to fit сидеть (о платье и т.д.)
83. to be a misfit плохо сидеть
84. to suit, to become быть к лицу, идти, подходить
85. to match, to go with сочетаться, гармонировать
86 to be long-wearing быть носким
87. to be well stocked иметь широкий ассортимент

продаваемых в магазине


88. to be out of stock/to have

sold out

кончиться, распродать
89. to sell smth. by weight/by

the head

продавать на вес/ поштучно
90. to pay through the nose платить бешеные деньги, с


Some Good Rules

1. Tastes differ.

2. Never buy a pig in a poke.

3. If the cap fits, wear it.

4. Be dressed as neat as a new pin.

5. To cost a pretty penny.

6. Ask your purse what you should buy.

The Big Stores of London

One of the features of London is the number of big stores, most of which are to be found in or near the West End. These stores are a mixture of tradition and modernity.

They developed in the nineteenth century; they maintain the dignity of that century, yet they are always ready to follow new trends.

The big stores of London are vast buildings, many storeys high, equipped with speedy lifts and escalators, with well-planned lighting, ventilation and heating.

Departments are carefully named; "Budget Dresses" are really cheap dresses - but no customer tikes tb be thought of as a "cheap" shopper. The same applies to "Ready-to-wear"; fyused to be used for the garments that were not made-to-measure, though now off-the-peg clothes are the rule rather than the exception. "Mother-to-be" or "Lady-in-Waiting" will often be found instead of the conventional "Maternity Wear". Then mere are newer words for the new trends in fashion - "Mix-and-Match", "Unisex", which are 'used alongside the more old-fashioned names: "Haberdashery", "Millinery"; "Gowns", and sometimes still the words derive from the French - "Mantles" for coats, "Layette" for baby-wear. Another feature of London's shopping life is the chain-stores, in which the goods are displayed on open counters. A wide variety of goods is offered - chiefly foodstuffs, household goods, clothing and stationery. These chain-stores have branches in most British towns of importance.

One very well-known firm of chemists has shops in many parts of London (and elsewhere); here you may buy not only medicines but also cosmetics and toilet supplies. Dairy firms have shops in various parts of London, too, and in these you; may buy not only dairy produce but also groceries, soap and household articles.

Most of the food stores, called supermarkets, operate oh the self-service system: you go in, pick up a basket, walk round the shop and choose what you want. At the exit there is a check-out point, a cash-desk where you pay: for all your goods together.

1. -- What kind of shoes do you want, madam?

-- I'd like walking shoes with a low heel. High heels are no good for country wear. You see I have rather small feet.

-- Here is a pair about your size. Try them on. How are they?

-- They are rather comfortable, but they are a little tight, will you show me another pair a size bigger, please?

-- Certainly, madam. Will these do?

-- They fit me very well, thank you.

-- You are welcome.

2. -- What would you like to buy, sir?

-- I'm looking for a navy blue jacket, size 44.

-- How do you like this jacket?

-- Well, I like it. How much is it?

-- Fifty-five pounds ninety-nine pence.

-- Where must I pay?

-- At the cash desk over there.

3. At the Shoe Shop

Mrs. Morales is visiting San Diego from Mexico and wants to buy a new pair of shoes. She enters a shoe shop and a saleswoman comes towards her.

Saleswoman: Good morning. Can I help you?

Mrs. Morales: Yes, please. I'm looking for a pair of sandals. I wear size 8 and I have

rather wide feet.

Saleswoman: What color would you like?

Mrs. Morales: I'd prefer black or brown.

Saleswoman: Would you like to take a seat and I'll show you what we have in your size.

(The saleswoman brings some sandals and Mrs. Morales tries them on)

Mrs. Morales: These black ones are nice, but they're not as comfortable as the brown

pair. Do you have anything a little wider in black?

Saleswoman: No, I'm sorry. Those are the widest we have. What about the suede pair?

How do they feel?

Mrs. Morales: Well, they're the most comfortable, but 1 don't think they're as elegant as

the brown pair. Are they the same price?

Saleswoman: No. The suede ones are much cheaper. They're on sale for $49.95. The

brown ones are $79.95.

Mrs. Morales: Oh dear. I'm sorry but I just can't make up my mind. I think I'll come

back with my sister.

Saleswoman: OK. We'll see you later then.


1. Answer the following questions:

Text A: l. What kinds of stores are the features of London's shopping life? 2. Why are the big stores of London called a mixture of tradition and modernity? 3. Why are the departments in the stores carefully named? 4. Which stores have branches in most British towns of Importance? 5. What is characteristic of the British chemist's and dairy shops? 6. How do supermarkets operate?

Text B: Is Mrs. Morales visiting a supermarket? 2. What does she want to buy? З. Does her sister come up to her in the shop? 4. What does the saleswoman tell Mrs. Morales? 5. Does Mrs. Morales want to buy a pair of sandals or boots? 6. What size does she wear? 7. What colour does she ask for? 8. Why does the saleswoman offer Mrs. Morales to take a seat? 9. Does Mrs. Morales try on any sandals? 10. Does Mrs. Morales like black sandals? 11. What is wrong with them? 12. Do they have a little wider ones in black in the shop? 13. What does Mrs. Morales say about the suede pair? 14. Are they the same price as the brown pair? 15. Mrs. Morales buys black sandals in the shop, doesn't she? Why?

2. Find In the text equivalents to the following words and phrases:

1) характерная черта; 2} сочетание старого и нового; 3) новые направления в моде; 4) многоэтажные здания; 5) продуманно названные; 6) "экономичное платье"; 7) общепринятый; 8) старомодный; 9) выставлять; 10) широкий выбор товаров; 11) филиал, значительные города; 12) молокозаводы; 13) фармацевтическая фирма; 14) туалетные принадлежности; 15) хозяйственные товары; 16) работать по принципу самообслуживания; 17) контрольный пункт.

3.Fill in prepositions and adverbs where necessary.

1. What size do you take ... hats? 2. What size ... collars do you wear? 3. I'm afraid these shoes wont go very well... this gown. 4. What have you got... latest things ... skirts? 5. These slacks will stand no comparison ... those beige corduroys. 6. This coat will last... years. 7. It wears well and it keeps ... shape. 8. This leather is ... very bad quality. 9.I should tike a pair... black laced boots. 10. Can you show me those shoes ... snake skin? 11. Have you got any like these, but,.. leather soles? 12. I like this silk ... spots. 13. Cut... 5 meters, please. 14. 3 meters ... that striped print, please. 15. I can never tell natural silk... artificial. 16, Lei me try that parka.... 17.... what size are these vests? 18. Give me another one,... 2 sizes bigger.

4. Match the following proverbs and their meanings:

1. Tastes differ a) Do not buy anything without

examining it carefully beforehand.

2. Never buy a pig in a poke. b) Be dressed in a brand-new suit, dress,


3. If the cap fits, wear it. c) To cost a large sum of money.
4. Be dressed as neat as a new pin. d) One man may hate what another likes.
5. To cost a pretty penny. e) If the statement, remark, criticism, etc.

about somebody is true, then he must

accept it.

5. Complete the following sentence:

Model: It's cold in the room, (the window/be open/for a long time) -- The window has been open for a long time.

1. Peter isn't in class, (he/be ill/for a week) 2. She doesn't know the way there, (she/never/be there) 3. He knows English well. (he/live in England/for three years) 4. Don't ask me about the film. (I/not to see/it) 5. Don't describe the place to me. (I/be there/several times) 6. I know him very well, (we/be friends/since childhood) 7. How is he? (I/not to see him/lately) 8. There is nobody in the house (everybody/to leave) 9. I am not hungry. (I/have lunch/already) 10. I don't need the menu. (I/make an order) 11. She is too thin, (she/be on diet/for a month) 12. Have a cup of tea with me. (I/bake/ new cake).

6. Write the possible answers. Use Present Perfect.

1. Why are you looking so happy?

2. Why are you looking so sad?

3. Why is your friend so angry?

4. Why is Ann crying?

5. Why are the students laughing? (to get a letter from home; to pass the exam; to fail the)

exam; to lose one's bag; to hear a funny story; to get a ticket to the Bolshoi; to hear bad news; to win the first prize; to hear good news ... )

7. Use Present Perfect or Past Indefinite:

1. I (to have) my breakfast. I'm not hungry 2. He (to have his breakfast an hour ago. 3. The Smiths (to invite) us to dinner last Saturday. 4. They (to invite) many guests to their Christmas party 5. We (to buy) a lot of things, put them into the fridge. 6. We went shopping yesterday and (to buy) a lot of things. 7. She (to be) to London a lot of times. 8. She (to be) in London last month. 9. I never (to taste) Indian food. 10. I (to taste) Indian food when we were at the restaurant. 11. They (not to write) to us since they moved to a new flat. 12. When they (to write) to you last? 13. How long you (to learn) English? 14. I (to learn) English long ago.

8. Use Present Perfect or Present Indefinite:

1. Our family (to eat) dinner at home on Saturdays an Sundays. 2. Our family (to eat) dinner at home since grandma came to live with us. 3. I (to know) Alice very well. 4. I (to know) Alice since school time. 5. Mr. Brook (to be) our English teacher. 6. Mr. Brook (to be) our English teacher for a year. 7. They (to be married) for 10 years. 8. They (to be married), 9. You (to live) in Moscow all your life? 10. You (to live) in Moscow? 11. He (to work) at this office long? 12. He (to work) at this office?

9. Change the sentences using Present Perfect Continuous:

Model: Ted is playing football (for an hour). -- Ted has been playing football for an hour.

1. It is raining (ever since morning). 2. Jane is talking on the phone (for a whole hour). 3. Mr. Greene is looking through papers (since we came). 4. I am writing a letter (for half an hour). 5. Mother is washing up (since we finished dinner).

6. The students are writing a test (for an hour and a half).

7. You are thinking about her (for the last few days). 8. The children are watching TV (the whole day).

10. Use the Present Perfect Tense:

Think of 7 good things you've done this year and of 7 important things you haven't done.

11. Use the right form of the adjective:

A. The Best and the Worst

Joe Brown has the (beautiful) garden in our town. Nearly ; everybody enters for "The (nice) Garden Competition" each year but Joe wins every time. Bill's garden is (large) than Joe's. ) Bill works (hard) than Joe and grows (many) flowers and vegetables, but Jot's garden is (interesting). I like gardens too, but I don't like hard work. Every year I enter for "The Garden Competition" too and I always win a little prize for the (bad) garden in the town.

B. * * *

I have seen the seven wonders of the world (семь чудес света) and if there is an eighth I have seen it too. I have walked through the (wonderful) public parks of every civilized and uncivilized country in the world. I have slept in the (fine) beds of the (fashionable) hotels of the (big) cities of the (good) countries. I have eaten the (tasty) foods on Earth, I have spent long afternoons in the (beautiful) gardens of the (rich) people on Earth drinking green tea, reading the (cheap) novels and smoking the (expensive) cigars. I have played poker with the (famous) people -- with the Prince of Wales and with the Countess of Strassbourg. Seven of the wonders I have seen, but the (good) place for me is Beale Street.

(After W. Saroyan)

С. Carol's Apple Cake

Carol baked on apple cake yesterday, but she couldn't follow all the instructions in her cookbook because she didn't have enough of the ingredients. She used (little) flour (мука) and (few) eggs than the recipe required. She also used (little) butter, (few) apples, (few) raisins (изюм) and (little) sugar than she needed. As a result Carol's apple cake didn't taste very good. In fact it tasted terrible.

XIV. Finish the text using the adjectives in the comparative degree:

Susan and Sally are twins (близнецы) They are very much alike. They are both young, tall and pretty, fair-haired and blue-eyed. Their hair is long and thick. They wear short bright dresses. They are kind and hard-working. They are good cooks and good students. They read many interesting books. But some people say that Sally is more beautiful than Susan....

(tall; pretty; long and thick hair; short and bright dresses; kind; hard-working; good; intelligent)

12. Translate from English into Russian:

1. По дороге домой зайди в гастроном и купи килограмм сахарного песку, баночку вишневого варенья, бутылку томатного соуса и два банки сардин. 2. Ассортимент продуктов в этом супермаркете очень широкий. 3. В нашем гастрономе всегда в продаже свежее мясо. 4. Как мне пройти в кондитерский отдел? - Это на противоположной стороне торгового зала. 5. Цены на свежие продукты меняются на протяжении года в зависимости от сезона. 6. Сейчас сезон яблок, и цены на них снижены. 7. Чтобы избежать лишних походов в магазин, я всегда составляю список необходимых продуктов. 8. У меня мало времени на приготовление пищи, поэтому я часто покупаю мороженые полуфабрикаты и овощи. 9. На рынке некоторые продукты можно купить по более низкой цене, 10. Этикетки дают важную информацию об ингредиентах и весе содержимого упаковки. П. Мне нужно сделать кое-какие покупки. 12. Завтра мы идём покупать мне пальто. 13. Как привлекательна витрина этого магазина. 14. Больше всего я люблю в этом универмаге отдел готовой одежды. 15. Когда открываются (закрываются) магазины в вашем городе? 16. Надо поторопиться. Скоро закрытие. 17. Как вам нравятся эти ковры? - Выглядят они прекрасно. 18. Такие костюмы сейчас в моде. 19. Мне нужна пара новых брюк, но сейчас у меня нет денег с собой. 204 Эти туфли очень красивы. Примерьте их. 21. Это пальто слишком дорого для меня.. Этот зонтик не очень дорогой. 22. У нас кончилось мясо. У нас кончился лук. 23. Мне нужно пойти в бакалею (булочную, овощной магазин, рыбный магазин, в кондитерскую, молочную). 24. Твоя очередь идти за покупками. Её очередь мыть посуду. 25. Пусть Ник купит лук. 26. Когда Анна подошла к примерочной, она увидела, что её подруга примеряет платье. 27. Не советуй ей покупать эту блузку. Она не идёт ей. 28. Мама не хочет, чтобы Боб пошел в булочную. 29. Платья в этом магазине не продаются. Здесь продаются только мужские костюмы, брюки, пиджаки и мужские рубашки. 30. Послушайте моего совета, не берите это пальто. Оно уже не модно. То серое гораздо лучше. Я уверена, что оно вам понравится. Пройдите в примерочную. Сюда, пожалуйста.

13. Read the story, answer the questions and retell it:

It was a cold autumn evening and it was raining. Mary was driving home in her Cadillac. It Was Saturday and almost all the shops were closed. Suddenly she saw a bright shop window. She did not like window-shopping but she stopped the car and got out. She came up to the shop window and among other things she saw a beautiful chain of pearls (жемчужное ожерелье). They were shining in the bright light of the window. Mary liked the pearls. She entered the shop. It was an expensive shop. There were no people inside. Mary went up to the counter and saw the same chain of pearls there. Soon the shop assistant came out to her.

"Can I help you, madam?" he asked while Mary was looking at the pearls.

"Yes, sir. Can I see that chain of pearls over there?"

"Certainly, madam. Here you are."

"How much is it?"

"Five hundred dollars."

"Only five hundred dollars," Mary thought.

"It's a pity I have no money about me."

She gave the chain back to the shop assistant and said, "Thank you. I think my husband and I will come and buy it tomorrow. Are you open tomorrow?"

"Yes, madam, we work from 8 till 6. The lunch hour is from 12 to 1. You're welcome, madam."

Mary was about to leave the shop when somebody took her by the hand. She turned round and saw a small young girl, who looked very unhappy. She was wearing an old thin coat and old dirty shoes. She had no gloves or hat.

"Yes," said Mary. "What can I do for you?"

"Excuse me, madam, but can you give me the price of a cup of tea? I'm very cold."

"Have you no money at all?"

"No," said the girl.

Suddenly Mary thought of a plan. "Come and have tea with me at my place," she said...


1. What season was it?

2. Where was Mary driving?

3. Why did she stop her car?

4. Was Mary rich?

5. Did she buy the pearls?

6. What did girl look like?

7. Where did Mary drive after the shop?

8. Finish the story and give it a title.

Далее: INIT SIX    National Holidays Вверх: Учебно-методическое пособие Назад: UNIT FOUR    Meals

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