1. | The United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
Соединенное Королевство
Великобритании и Северной Ирландии |
2. | the British Isles | Британские острова | ||
3. | total area | общая территория | ||
4. | to consist of | состоять из | ||
5. | Cardiff ['ka:difj | Кардифф | ||
6. | Edinburgh | Эдинбург | ||
7. | Belfast [bel'fa:st] | Белфаст | ||
8. | respectively | соответственно | ||
9. | the Atlantic Ocean | Атлантический океан | ||
10. | the Irish Sea | Ирландское море | ||
11. | the North Sea | Северное море | ||
12. | the English Channel | Ла-Манш | ||
13. | mountainous | гористый | ||
14. | valley | долина | ||
15. | plain | равнина | ||
16. | Highlands | Северное нагорье | ||
1.7. | Lowlands | Шотландская низменность | ||
18. | vast | Огромный | ||
19. | Ben Nevis | Бен Невис | ||
20. | the Severn | р. Северн | ||
21. | the Thames | р. Темза | ||
22. | the Clyde | р. Клайд | ||
23. | Gulf Stream | Гольфстрим | ||
24. | (to) influence | влияние; (влиять) | ||
25. | climate | климат | ||
26. | the whole year round | круглый год | ||
27. | population | население | ||
28. | urban | городской | ||
29. | highly developed | высокоразвитый | ||
30. | producer | производитель | ||
31. | exporter | экспортер | ||
32. | machinery | машинное оборудование | ||
33. | electronics | электроника | ||
34. | textile | текстиль | ||
35. | aircraft | самолеты | ||
36. | navigation | судоходство | ||
37. | Shipbuilding | кораблестроение | ||
38. | constitutional monarchy | конституционная монархия | ||
39. | in law | по закону | ||
40. | to reign | царствовать | ||
41. | to rule | править | ||
42. | Prime Minister | премьер-министр | ||
43. | chamber | палата парламента | ||
44. | the House of Lords | палата лордов (верхняя палата
парламента; обладает правом отлагательного вето в отношении законопроектов, принятых палатой общин) |
45. | the House of Commons | палата общин (нижняя палата
парламента; играет главную роль в осуществлении его законодательных функций) |
46. | the Bank of England | Английский банк | ||
47. | the Stock Exchange | Лондонская фондовая биржа | ||
48. | the Old Bailey | Центральный уголовный суд,
находящийся на улице Олд- Бейли |
49. | masterpiece | шедевр | ||
50. | St. Paul's Cathedral
(Church of England) |
собор св. Павла (главный собор
англиканской церкви) |
51. | the Tower of London | Лондонский Тауэр | ||
52. | church | церковь | ||
53. | to found | основывать | ||
54. | fortress | крепость | ||
55. | royal | королевский | ||
56. | palace | дворец | ||
57. | prison | тюрьма | ||
58. | governmental | правительственный | ||
59. | Buckingham Palace | Букингемский дворец (главная
королевская резиденция в Лондоне) |
60. | Westminster Palace
(the Houses of Parliament) |
Вестминстерский дворец
(здание английского парламента) |
61. | residence | резиденция, квартира, дом | ||
62. | Changing of the Guard | Смена караула королевских
гвардейцев (торжественная церемония); проводится ежедневно утром во дворе перед Букингемским дворцом |
63 | Big Ben | it разг. "Биг Бен", "Большой Бен"
(колокол часов-курантов на здании парламента, бой которых передается ежедневно по радио как сигнал точного времени) |
64. | Westminster Abbey | Вестминстерское аббатство | ||
65. | (to) crown [kraun] | корона, (короновать) | ||
66. | to bury [beri] | хоронить, погребать | ||
67. | statesman | государственный деятель | ||
68. | Trafalgar Square | Трафальгарская площадь | ||
69. | Nelson's Column | Колонна Нельсона (памятник
адмиралу Нельсону) |
70. | in memory of... | в память о ... | ||
71. | rowdy ['raudi] | шумный | ||
72. | the National Gallery | Национальная галерея
(крупнейшее в Великобритании собрание картин) |
73. | the National Portrait
Gallery |
Национальная портретная
галерея |
74. | the British Museum | Британский музей (один из
крупнейших в мире) |
75. | manuscript | рукопись | ||
76. | be famous for | быть знаменитым ..., славиться | ||
77. | Hyde Park | Гайд-парк (самый известный
лондонский парк) |
78. | Green Park | Грин-Парк (тянется вдоль
улицы Пиккадилли; букв, зелёный парк; в нём одна зелень, без цветов) |
79. | Regent's Park | Риджентс-Парк (большой парк в
северозападной части Лондона; площадь 180 га; бывшее место королевской охоты; в нем расположен также лондонский
80. | Kensington Gardens | Кенсингтон-Гардеш (большой
парк в Лондоне; примыкает к Гайд-парку) |
81. | St. James's Park | Сент-Джеймсский парк (в
центральной части Лондона; по всей его длине тянется озеро с редкой водоплавающей птицей; первые пеликаны были завезены из России в 1664 г.) |
82. | Speakers' Corner | "Уголок оратора" (место в Гайд-паркев, где по воскресеньям и
Субботам с импровизированной трибуны выступают ораторы на различные темы; в наст. вр. превратился в одну и туристических достопримечательностей
83. | down the street | по улице (вдоль по
нарастающим номерам домов
84. | up the street | по улице (вдоль по убывающим
номерам домов улицы) |
85. | at the bottom | в конце; внизу; на дне | ||
86.7. | to put someone down | высадить | ||
87. | room | зд. место | ||
88. | to get (got, got) | зд. приезжать, добираться | ||
89. | to get on (a bus, a train, etc.) | входить (в автобус, и поезд и
т.д.) |
90. | to get off (a bus, a train,
etc.) |
выходить (из автобуса, из
поезда и т.д.) |
91. | the head of state | глава государства | ||
92. | to elect | выбирать | ||
93. | the Labour party | Лейбористская партия | ||
94. | the Conservative party | Консервативная партия | ||
95. | the Liberal party | Либеральная партия | ||
96. | Whitehall | 1) Уайтхолл (улица в
центральной части Лондона, на которой находятся некоторые важнейшие министерства и др. правительственные учреждения); 2) английское правительство |
97. | Charing Cross | Чаринг-Кросс (перекресток
между Трафальгарской площадью [Trafalgar Square] и улицей Уайтхолл [Whitehall], принятый за центр Лондона при отсчете расстояний) |
Some Good Rules
1. Every bird likes its own nest best.
2. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.
3. Seeing is believing.
4. Every man is a king at home.
5. A gentleman ought to travel abroad, but dwell at home.
6. He that travels far knows much.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles. The British Isles consist of two large islands. They are Great Britain and Ireland and about five thousand small islands. Their total area is over 244.000 square kilometres. The United Kingdom consists of four countries. They are England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland- Their capitals are London, Cardiff, Edinburgh, and Belfast respectively. The capital of the United Kingdom is London.
England is the southern and central part of Great Britain. Scotland is in the north of the island and Wales is in the west. Northern Ireland is situated in the northeastern part of Ireland.
The west coast of Great Britain is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea, the east coast is washed by the North Sea, and the south coast is washed by the English Channel. The English Channel lies between Great Britain and the continent.
The surface of the British Isles varies very much. The north of Scotland is mountainous and is called the Highlands. The south, which has beautiful valleys and plains, is called the Lowlands. The north and west of England are mountainous, but ail the rest - east, centre and south-east, is a vast plain. Mountains are an important part of the geography of the country. They are not very high. Ben Nevis in Scotland is the highest mountain. It is 1343 metres high, In England the Pennine Chain runs down from the north through the centre. In Wnlci there are the Cumbrian Mountains.
The British Isies have many rivers, but they are not very long. The Severn, which flows, into the .Irish Sea, is the longest river. The Thames is the deepest and the most important one. Scotland's most important river is the Clyde, on which stands Glasgow.
England, Ireland and Scotland have many beautiful lakes.
There are no great forests in the British Isles today. Historically, the most famous forest is Sherwood Forest, in the east of England. It was the home of Robin Hood.
The mountains, the Atlantic Ocean and the warm waters of Gulf Stream influence the climate of the British Isles greatly. It is generally mild the whole year round, not very cold in winter and never very hot in summer.
The United Kingdom is one of the world's smaller countries. Its population is over 57 million. About 80% of the population is urban. There are at least people of four nationalities in the United Kingdom. They are the English, the Scots, the Welsh and the Irish. Each of them has their own language.
The United Kingdom is a highly developed industrial country. It is known as one of the world's largest producers and exporters of machinery, electronics, textile, aircraft and navigation equipment. One of the chief industries of the country is shipbuilding. It is centred in London, Glasgow, Newcastle and in Belfast.
Sheep farming, cattle farming, and dairy farming are important branches of the British economy. Wheat is grown in the east of England, but oats and rye are the main grown crops. Vegetables are grown in all parts of England, especially in the south. The south of England is often called the "Garden of England". This is because there are many gardens and orchards there.
The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy. In law, the Head of State is the Queen. In practice, the Queen reigns, but does not rule. Power in the country belongs to Parliament with the Prime Minister at the head. The British Parliament consists of two chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The House of Commons is elected by the people. The members of the House of Lords are not elected.
There are three political parties in Great Britain. They are the Conservative, the Liberal and the Labour parties.
1. Asking the Way
- Excuse me, can you tell me the way to Trafalgar Square?
- Certainly. Cm down Regent Street to Piccadilly Circus and then go down the Haymarket. Turn to the left at the bottom and in less than a minute you'll be in Trafalgar Square
- Thank you very much. How far is it from here?
- If you walk, it'll lake you ten minutes or a quarter of an hour.
- Is there a bus?
- There's sure to be. But you'd better ask the policeman over there. He'll give you all the information you want.
- Thank you.
- Excuse me, officer, is there a bus from here to Trafalgar Square?
- Yes, sir, any bus'll take you. There's a bus-stop just over there. Ask the conductor to put you down at Trafalgar Square.
- Thank you.
- Does this bus go to Trafalgar Square?
- Yes, sir. Come along, hurry up ... No room on top, inside only ... no standing on the platform ... pass down the bus, please ... Sorry, full up ... Sorry, sir, you can't smoke inside, you'll have to wait until there's room upstairs ... Fares, please.
- Trafalgar Square, please ... and will you tell me when we get there?
- Trafalgar Square! This is where you get off, sir.
-Thank you.
(The Lingiiaphone English Course)
2. -- Excuse me, do you know where the nearest bank is, please?
-- Go straight down to the traffic lights, then turn left and it's the second street on your right.
-- Thank you. And is there a post office near here?
-- Yes, on the other side of the square.
3. -- Excuse me, how do I get to Baker Street from here?
-- Take bus 24 at the bus station.
-- Is the bus station far?
-- No, only about a quarter of a mile. Turn right at the traffic lights.
-- Thank you.
-- You are welcome.
4. -- Excuse me, where's the nearest metro station?
-- It's about 200 metres down the road.
-- And how do I get to Trafalgar Square?
-- I'm sorry. I don't know, I'm a stranger here, too. Ask the policeman.
-- Thank you, anyway.
1. Give Russian equivalents to:
Text A: total area; lie between Great Britain and the continent; the surface varies very much; a vast plain; flow into the sea; the home of Robin Hood; over 57 million; one of the world's largest producers and exporters of ...; important branches of the British economy; the British Parliament consists о two chambers.
2. Answer the following questions:
1. The United Kingdom is an island state, isn't it? Where is it situated?
2. What countries is the United Kingdom made of? What are their capitals?
3. What channel separates the British Isles from the European continent?
4. The surface of the British Isles varies very much, doesn't it?
5. What is the north of Scotland called? What is the south of Scotland called?
6. What's the highest mountain in Scotland?
7. Are there a lot of long and deep rivers in Great Britain?
8. Why is the climate of the British Isles mild?
9. Is the United Kingdom a large country?
10.What is the United Kingdom's population?
11 .The United Kingdom is a highly developed industrial country. What does it produce and export?
12. The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy. What does it mean?
3. Match the following proverbs and their meanings:
1. Every bird likes its own nest best.
2, The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. 3. Seeing Is believing, 4. Every man is a king at home. 5. A gentleman ought to travel abroad, but dwell at home. 6. He that travels far knows much. |
a). One feels happiest in his own country
as he knows the customs and habits of the people. b). It is better to see once than hear much. c). Life seems easier, better, happier in any other side of the fence. d). Every man may go and see foreign countries, but must come back. e). The more a man sees, the more he knows. f). Every man praises what is familiar and dear to him. |
4. Complete the dialogue and act it out in pairs:
(A stranger is asking for directions in a town you know well.)
Ann: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to ..., please?
Bob: Yes. At the moment you are standing in ... (at..., near ...).
A: And I want to go to ...
B: If you turn left ..., you'll come to ...
A: But I don't want to go to ...
B: No, I know you don't. But if you go straight along this road, you'll come to ...
A: But I don't want to go to ...
B: No, you don't, do you? So if you turn right at..., you'll come to ...
A: Thank you.
B: Not at all.
5. Make up short dialogues according to the models:
Model A: - Can you swim?
- Yes, I can.
- How long have you been able to swim?
- I've been able to swim since I was 5.
Model B:
- Can you swim?
- No, I can't. I've never been able to swim.
(speak English; play the piano; play tennis; sing; dance; cook; knit; drive; fly...)
6. Use "can," "could," "may," "might," "to be able":
-- ... I come in?
-- Yes, come in, please. What ... I do for you?
-- I've read the advertisement. I'm looking for a job.... you offer me something?
-- Oh, yes. I need a secretary. But ... you give me your name first?
-- I'm Mary Smith.
-- Mary,... I ask you a few questions?
-- Certainly sir.
-- You... call me Mr. Wilde. What... you do? ... you type?
-- Yes, I..., and I... take shorthand.
-- Very good. How long ... to type?
-- I ... to type since I studied it at school. -- ... you speak any foreign languages?
-- Yes, I... Speak French and German and I... understand Russian.
-- ... you start work tomorrow?
-- I think I ... thank you.... I go now?
-- Yes, you.... See you tomorrow.
7. Use "must" or "needn't":
1. Must I tell the truth? -- ..., it's important. 2. Must I go shopping? -- ...we have a lot of food. 3. Must I do this work now? -- ... you can do it later. 4. Must I type these papers today? -- ..., I need them today. 5. Must I take the dog out for a walk? -- ..., I'm busy now. 6. Must I come on Saturdays? -- ..., it's your day off.
X. Use "must," "mustn't," "needn't," "have," "should," "shouldn't":
-- Well, kids, this is Kelly, your baby-sitter for the time we're away. You ... be nice to her. Dad and I are sorry we ... leave you for a month, but we really
-- Hi, you... be Sam, and this ... be the little Nancy.
-- Oh, you ... be so noisy. Come, Kelly, we ... show you around the house. You... do a lot of work. The only thing you ... do is feed them on time and look after them during the day.
-- ... I go shopping?
-- No, you ..., we have a housekeeper and a maid.
-- ...I wash up?
-- No, you..., you... do any work about the house.
-- What time ... I come in the morning?
-- You... come at 9 and stay till 5, but you... be late in the morning, and you ... allow Sam to stay out in the garden long You... be firm about it. If anything goes wrong, you... phone us
-- You... worry, I'll do my best.
8. Use modal verbs:
can, could, be able (to), must, have (to).
A. It was late autumn. A hungry Fox was walking about the forest looking for something to eat, but he... find nothing. Then h came up to the lake. "There ... be some fish," he thought. "If I.. catch one I shall ... to have a good dinner." He saw a few fishes but they were swimming too fast. The Fox ... not swim. "How ... catch them?" he thought and said, "Little fishes!" -- "We ... not hear you." -- "Come nearer, you... come on land and live in peace as I do. You... always find something to eat in the forest and you will... to meet many friends." -- "He... be so stupid (глупый) if he tells to come on land," thought the fishes.
B. A White Winter Dress
The Little Hare(заяц) was not happy: he was afraid of the Fox and the Bear.
In summer he ... hide in the grass. But he did not know how to get ready for winter. "I... ask my friends, they ... help me," he thought.
So he went to the Partridge (куропатка) and said, "... you tell me," good bird, how you hide from the Fox in winter?"
And the Partridge answered: "When Autumn goes, she always leaves me a white costume. I put it on and the Fox ... not see me in the snow."
"You ... be a very brave bird," said the Hare. "But I'm afraid of Autumn."
Then the Hare, met some other friends but no one ... help him, so he ... to go back to his tree and he slept under it.
In the morning he got up and saw that the forest was white! "What... I do?" he thought and came to the water to drink. He saw a white hare there, as white as snow.
"Oh, who ... it be? It... be another Hare! Oh, it's me, in a white dress."
9. Use the right form of the verb "to be":
1. Newspapers ... brought every morning. 2. This book ...sold in every shop of Moscow. 3. Only English... spoken in f country. 4. The letter... delivered yesterday. 5. My TV set ... ...fixed tomorrow. 6. By whom ... this article translated? 7. The President of the US ... elected every four years. 8. Moscow ...founded (основана) in 1147. 9. We ... ... taken on a sightseeing tour in the afternoon.
10. Use the verbs in the Passive Voice:
A 1. We eat breakfast in the morning. 2. They will show this program on TV. 3. He made the report in class. 4. The tourists asked the guide a lot of questions about Westminster Abbey. 5. I bought this dress at the central department store 6. Everybody discusses this film. 7. Where did you buy this guide book? 8. Who cooked this wonderful pie? -- I did.
B. How I Make an Apple Pie
First I take some flour and mix it with some milk and butter. Then I break 3 eggs and put them too. Then I add some raisins and mix the stuff again. Then I take 10 apples, wash them and cut into small pieces. I add some sugar and a little, salt, put the stuff into a big pan and put it into the cooker for; 40 minutes. When I take it out I decorate it, leave it in a cold place and serve cool.
11. Make up sentences using the Passive Voice according to the models:
Model A. That church looks very old. (it/build/1760) -- It was built in 1760.
Model B. We have a wonderful country house (it/build/my father) -- It was built by my father ten years ago.
1. It is a very popular television program, (it/watch/millions of people) 2. They could not meet yesterday, (the date of meeting/change) 3. There is a very thick fog in the city today, (all the flights/put off/at the airport) 4. Jim works as a driver, (he/not to pay/very well) 5. She always celebrates her birthday in the restaurant, (a lot of guests/invite/every year) 6. What a beautiful monument it is! (when/it/construct?) 7. The facade of the Tretyakov Gallery is very beautiful. (it/design/Vasnetsov) 8. The library is very rich, (a lot of books/gather/from all over the world).
12. Open the brackets using the right form of the verb in the Passive Voice:
A. 1. Six public holidays (to celebrate) in Great Britain. 2. Song festivals (to hold) in Wales every year. 3. His nextbirthday (to mark) at a restaurant. 4. Many social customs (to connect) with the celebration of Christmas in Great Britain. 5. A big Christmas tree (to put up) in Trafalgar Square a week ago. 6. The Christmas tree (to decorate) brightly by children tonight. 7. On Boxing Day (День рождественских подарков, второй день рождества (26 декабря) children and other members of: families (to give) presents. 8. An exciting lecture on British , history (to give) in our club. 9. The First of May (to celebrate) as the holiday for Labour in 1889 first. 10. Easter Peace Marches always (to organize) in many European countries. 11. He (to elect) President 3 years ago. 12. London (to divide) I into two parts by the river Thames. 13. The financial and business part of London (to call) "the City." 14. Avery beautiful folk song (to sing) when I came into the hall. 15. He (to award) the first prize for his poems.
B. The Loch Ness Monster
The story of the Loch Ness monster begins in 1933 when it (to see) for the first time. Since then it (to see) at least once every year and (to photograph) many times. The first photograph (to take) by a local man in November, 1933. On one occasion, large brown eyes (to see) and horns (рога) (to report) several times. Ears (not to mention) yet.
The monster, however (not to forget), and probably never (to forget). It is known that it sometimes leaves the loch and a few years ago it (to see) running along the main road not far from a cafe. Occasionally two monsters (to see) at the same time. It (not to know) whether they are father and son, husband and wife, or perhaps monster and girlfriend. But the monster and its activities (to consider) still a mystery.
13. Use the verbs in brackets in the correct tense form (Active or Passive):
A. The six ravens (вороны) (to keep) in the Tower of London now for centuries. They used to come in from Essex for food cracks when the Tower (to use) as a palace. Over the years people (to think) that if the ravens ever left the Tower, the monarchy would fall. So Charles II (to decree) that six ravens should always (to keep) in the Tower and should (to pay) a wage from the treasury (казна). Sometimes they (to live) as long as 25 years but their wings (to clip (подрезать) so they can't fly away, and when a raven (to die), another raven (to bring) from Essex.
B. The ceremony of Trooping the Colour (to be) one of the most fascinating. It (to stage) in front of Buckingham Palace. It (to hold) annually on the monarch's "official" birthday which is the second Saturday in June. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (to be) Colonel-in-Chief of the Life Guards. She (to escort) by Horse Guards riding to the Parade. The ceremony (to accompany) by the music of bands. The procession (to head) by the Queen.
14. Translate into English:
I, Великобритания - высокоразвитая страна, расположенная на Британских островах, она отделена от европейского континента проливом Ла-Манш. 2. Рельеф Великобритании разнообразен: равнины Англии и Ирландии сменяются возвышенностями и горами Шотландии и Ирландии. 3. Великобритания - конституционная (парламентская) монархия, но, как говорят англичане, король (королева) царствует, но не управляет. 4. Все законопроекты рассматриваются и утверждаются парламентом. 5. Парламент в Британии существует с 1265 года. 6. В Лондоне - столице Соединенного Королевства -много театров. Все они в Уэст-Энде. 7. В Сити нет жилых домов, это деловой центр столицы. 8. Днем на улицах Сити очень много народа, а ночью улицы пустые. 9. На Оксфорд Стрит очень много магазинов. 10. В Ист-Энде мало парков, там много фабрик и заводов. 11. Многие улицы ведут к Трафальгарской площади, географическому центру Лондона. 12. Дом №10 по Даунинг-стрит, официальная резиденция премьер-министра Великобритании, охраняется лондонской полицией. 13. Англичане придают большое значение сохранению традиций. 14. Посетив Национальную галерею в Лондоне, можно получить представление о европейских школах живописи.
15. Read the following. Render the passage in English.
На Британских островах, отделенных от Западной Европы, проливом Ла-Манш (the English Channel), расположилась Великобритания, а официально - Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии. По форме правления это государство является конституционной монархией. Площадь Великобритании 244,1 тысяч кв. км, население составляет 56 млн. человек. Государственный язык - английский.
В состав Соединенного Королевства входят Англия, Уэльс, Шотландия, Северная Ирландия (Ольстер Ulster).
Англия - историческое ядро Соединенного Королевства - раскинулась в южной и средней частях самого крупного из Британских островов. Уэльс занимает юго-западную часть острова Великобритания, Шотландия же - его северную часть, а также прилегающие острова: Гебридские (the Hebrides [hebridi:z]). Оркнейские (the Orkneys [o:kniz]) и Шетландские (the Shetland Islands).
16. Read the story and answer the questions:
The Indian and Two Travellers
Two men were travelling in a very wild (дикий) part of America. They saw no modem houses and no traces of civilization for many days. What they saw was only a few huts made of wood or tents where Indians lived. One day they met an old Indian who did not work but hunted animals and ate them as his food.; He was very clever and knew everything about the forest and the animals living in it and many other things. He could also speak English quite well.
"Can you tell us what the weather will be like during the next few days?" one of the travellers asked him. "Oh, yes," he said. "Rain is coming and wind. Then there will be snow for a day or two but then the sunshine will come again and the weather will be fine." "These old Indians seem to know more about Nature than we with all our science (наука)," said the man to his friend. Then he turned to the old Indian.
"Tell me," he said, "how do you know all this?" the Indian answered, "I heard it on the radio."
1 .Where were the two men travelling?
2. Who did they meet one day?
3. The Indian was very clever, wasn't he?
4. Did the Indian tell the two men the weather forecast?
5. How did he know it?
17. Read the story and reproduce it:
A Forgetful Tourist
An English tourist came to Paris. It was his first visit there, On tho MIDI mf htf sent a telegramme to his wife who was in London. In the telegramme he told her the address of the hotel where he was going to stay. He also told her that ho was quite
As he was in Paris for the first time, he was very eager to see the places of interest. After dinner he went for a walk and then decided to go to the theatre to see a new play. It was very late when the play was over. It was time to go home.
But at that moment he realized that he couldn't get to the hotel: he didn't remember either the name of the hotel or the address. The Englishman was at a loss because he didn't know what to do. Suddenly he remembered sending that morning a telegramme to his wife. So, late at night his wife got a very strange telegramme: "Please, send me my address at once."